Is there a hidden power in salsa dancing?

“Everything was over when I discovered the hidden power in salsa dancing?” Stephanie Jackson

I saw this beautiful lady coming to me, “do you dance”? I replied: of course, and we departed on a 5 minute round of shin kicking, and arms pulling.

In fact, I don’t give a dollar for this woman´s dancing skills. But the way she looks, “añañaiii”. She was a monument of women, tall, blonde, blue eyes, big lips, and knew how to walk on hills.

Next, I carried on with the show and tried to guide her on the dance floor. “Nada!” she seemed she didn’t want to participate in this dance conversation, instead, she carried on with her monologue and freestyle with no shame.

Well, You Alejandro just keep smiling and pretending you´re having fun. No talking, no syncing, no smiling back, no connection!. The only thing I got, was that she was staying for three days in the city, “just passing by”. A year later in my city, I met her again and you would not imagine what happened. I tell you later.

Truly, I started this project inspired by this event, and many more that brought me to understand the power of dance, music, and traveling, in one emotion, and how they changed my life. One year later, Stephanie was able to dance, and you could see her smile while on the dance floor, I swear she was wearing a massive smile and greeting every person she met, and dancing from the door till the end of the night, every song: new connection, sensuality, relaxed, artistic, creative, sweating.

Which was her secret?

Stephanie had learned salsa from Cali in Cali, from locals, while she kept exploring the streets of this city. She fall totally in love with the city and dancing, then she decided to extend her stay from 3 days to 379 days. 3 months after, when she learned how to move safely in Cali, she told me,when I leave, who is going to call me “reina, princesa, amor, monita”?  that’s how you´re called after when you´re a señorita socializing in Cali from some new friend you met at the corner of your

Indeed, Stephanie like many others have lived the dance and traveling transformation. I have lived it myself, and it’s the reason this started.  Let me tell you my experience.

If you knew how many times I wake up and I find myself in a depression, in meaninglessness, and I realize that I only need one thing to change my mood… Dance

Then, how does music do this in you? We are energy that is transported in waves, waves that vibrate in space and reach the body to elevate the feeling, loving, living, laughing, so we vibrate and so this way music travels; through waves that fly in the air.

Musical notes vibrate and join the body to give life to the movement, dance. We combine the vibration of sound with the movement of our body and the cells of the body vibrate, creating a state of mind of Flow.

Even, a baby or a 90-year person has the power to reach this state. This is where you feel completely involved in something to the extent that you forget about time, fatigue, and everything else except the activity itself, moving you to the enjoyment of dancing.

In the end, when the song ends, there is no turning back, it is as if you have just woken up to a new day. After this journey with your body, you will feel joyful, relaxed, connected to your creative side, sociable, totally alive!

In the World capital of Salsa

Based on the power of dance, and more of Salsa Caleña (Cali Colombia style). Now, I came back to my city – Cali – here present: 72 salsa schools, 80 salsa orchestras, three world-class shows, and a Guinness record for most people dancing “online” at the same time, definitely the “salsa capital of the world”. Here I found the dance that makes me vibrate the most, the vibrant salsa caleña. While I keep finding new hidden spots and places in my magical city.

I am happy, this is the most important thing,

And you can do the same.

¿Why don’t you start now, joining the dance travel revolution?. Click here for a 5-minute dance video tutorial and, my travel Cali safe miniguide.

Be part of the more than 700 traveldancers people has taken tours with me.

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